Sunday, July 6, 2008

John Piper Is Not A Great Preacher

The seemingly common difficulty about being a pastor or theologian in a generation where sound doctrine has subsided into circus-like myths is the inevitable truth of being compared to others. Few pastors can withhold the unleashing at others; yet many also prove themselves unfit by being unable to defend the Gospel from the pulpit. This is an age where the Gospel should be most heard and recognized than ever before, but itchy ears seem to have won the majority vote, pleasurably avoiding the responsibility of breaking hearts and killing sin (this is the Sovereignty revealed). The situation puts even more pressure, higher focus and amplifies the ridicule on the very few faithful stewards of God's inerrant and infallible Word. The more error that is seen and discerned within the church and culture, the more precious and treasurable the truth is when it is heard and revealed. Namely, this is preaching the Scriptures. One of faithful stewards who does not plaster his credentials and resume in the foyer, nor waste the precious moments to redeem the time by speaking of the shortcomings of particular pastors, but streamlines the infinite worth of the Glory of God and the Supremacy of Christ over all creation with passionate conviction to the winning of souls and the making of disciples of that, oh so little preached truth, is Dr. John Piper.

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